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Cardizem Diltiazem hydrochloride Generic 30 mg 30 tabs



Most people choose generics because these medications are also effective and more affordable. This type of drug, which is identical to branded medicines, has the same formula for the treatment of heart, kidney, liver, lungs, diseases, etc. Generics like Cardizem are produced under a variety of names and can have packaging different from the original medication.

Usage Area

Cardizem is a medical preparation based on the active substance diltiazem hydrochloride. It works like a calcium channel blocker. The medicine is prescribed to patients with hypertension (high blood pressure), impaired heart rate, and angina (sicks in the chest).

The principle of Cardizem operation components is to relax the muscles of blood vessels and the heart. Also this generic is recommended for patients with high arterial pressure. It helps to reduce such pressure and prevent the risks of a heart attack or stroke.

Some patients with severe heart disease may be assigned 24-hour clinic monitoring and a specific schedule of Сardizem drip. Droplet treatment is more optimal with the supervision of a doctor.

Recommended Dosage

Take tablets once a day; select the same time for this. In the treatment of hypertension, you need to take 180-240 mg of this medication, although some patients react to smaller Cardizem doses.
The antihypertensive effect can be achieved after about two weeks of receiving these pills. If you plan to treat blood pressure, it is impossible to exceed the Cardizem dosage at 540 mg per day.
With angina, doctors recommend the dose of 180 mg per day, only 1 time. If the result is not detected, then the portion can be increased but only after 7 or 14 days after the start of taking medication. It is impossible to exceed the dosage to 360 mg. In some cases, the doctor can prescribe higher doses for taking Cardizem, but it is discussed individually.

Special Instructions

Clinical studies have shown that the active substance Diltiazem can not only give side effects but also provides other reactions to the state of the heart-vascular system. The MD must conduct a careful survey of the entire body of the patient to take into account other diseases and other drugs that he takes at that moment. Not all medicines and their active substances are compatible with this generic.


Some combinations of Cardizem with other drugs can lead to serious consequences and heart lesions. You can not take this medicine with preparations in which there is Rifampin. Precautionary measures should also be attributed to the risks where Cardizem can cause abnormally slow-down heart rate frequencies.

The diltiazem hydrochloride is prohibited for people with heart failure and liver diseases. Also, this medication is not recommended for patients with severe skin reactions (erythema multiforme, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, exfoliative dermatitis, or toxic epidermal necrolysis). Doctors will also not allow Cardizem to people with nonclinical toxicology:

  • deterioration of fertility;
  • carcinogenesis;
  • mutagenesis, etc.

The medication is also prohibited for pregnant women; some tests have shown that this can lead to a skeletal impairment in the process of forming the fetus. Nursing women also should not take Cardizem. The medicine is prohibited for children. For adults and olds, it is better to begin treatment with small doses watching the condition of the liver, kidney, and heart system.

Interaction with Other Healthcare Products

The interaction of this medication with anesthetic drugs is prohibited. Also, doctors do not recommend combining Cardizem with buspirone, carbamazepine, clonidine, and cyclosporine. Studies have also shown that patients who take diltiazem with quinidine increase the effect of the last drug by 51%.

Side Effects

Cardizem – generic name but these pills give the same effect and adverse reactions like original Diltiazem. Given the patient’s body features, age, diseases, and other factors, people can feel other unpleasant sensations. Reception of the Cardizem must be reduced, discuss it with MD. Adverse reactions may be the following:

  • lightheadedness, sore throat, tired feeling;
  • dizziness, constipation, swelling ankles or feet;
  • pounding/fast/slow/irregular/ heartbeat;
  • mental changes (depression, agitation);
  • weakness, unexplained or sudden weight gain;
  • flushing (redness, warmth, or tingly feeling);
  • shortness of breath, fainting, headache;
  • nausea, upset stomach, stuffy nose, or cough;
  • unusual tiredness or unusual dreams.

Also, active elements of Cardizem can give the following reactions: lower limb swelling, rash, bundle branch block, syncope, or palpitations. Some patients treated doctors with the following consequences after consuming Cardizem: thirst, disorder, paresthesia, hallucinations, amnesia, and noise in the ears. Also, violations may have other characteristics: petechiae, muscle cramps, photosensitivity, pruritus, amblyopia, CPK increase, eye irritation, hyperuricemia, impotence, nasal congestion, nocturia, or polyuria.


Studies with overdose were carried out only on animals. It described 7 cases when the portion of this drug led to the appearance of side effects (rash, sleep disturbances, frequent fatigue, sudden weight loss, etc.) and death.

The level of toxic Cardizem dose which can harm the patient is not known. Use this generic according to the dosage plan prescribed by your healthcare specialist.

Information for Patients

Take a Cardizem tablet of the drug and swallow it whole, no need to chew or grind it before ingestion. Talk to your MD to find out the characteristics of your body and determine which medications should not be combined with Cardizem. The list of not recommended combinations includes not only over-the-counter medicines but also certain dietary supplements.

If you notice an adverse reaction or other changes in your body after taking the medication, then contact your doctor. Arrhythmias, bradycardia, rashes, sleep disturbances and other reactions can lead to bad consequences. Women also need to see a doctor if they are planning to have a baby or if the pregnancy comes while taking the Cardizem.

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