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Nocte Ambien Zolpidem 10 mg 10 Tabs



Nocte Ambien Zolpidem 10 mg 10 Tabs

Zolpidem what is it for (Zolpidem para que sirve)


Zolpidem generic is a sleeping pill that is prescribed when a patient has difficulty falling asleep if they wake up early and at night. The drug is distinguished by its soporific and sedative effects.

Pharmacological properties

Zolpidem generic is a benzodiazepine receptor agonist. When taking a dose of 5-10 mg, anxiolytic, central myorelaxant and anticonvulsant effects are weakly expressed. Due to the complex action on the nervous system, it shortens the time to fall asleep; the number of nocturnal awakenings is minimized; increasing sleep time.

The second, third and fourth stages of sleep are increased. Drowsiness after sleep is not observed.  You should buy zolpidem online only after consultation with your doctor.

Zolpidem half life

The drug is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and reaches its maximum amount in plasma from 0.5 to 3 hours. Three metabolites are formed in the liver.  The drug and metabolites are eliminated from the body through the kidneys and intestines. The elimination period of Zolpidem in a dose of 10 mg is 2.5 hours.

Drug regimen

10 mg of the drug is taken in the evening before going to bed. Before you buy zolpidem on line for elderly patients with liver pathologies, it is necessary to consider that the drug should be taken in a dose of 5 mg because of the risk of complications. Increase the dose to the therapeutic 10 mg only if the initial dose was well tolerated. Treatment with the drug should not exceed 4 weeks. If the therapy was short-lived, withdrawal syndrome does not occur.

With long-term treatment, it is necessary to start withdrawal with a gradual reduction in the dose. The price of Zolpidem 10 mg in our pharmacy depends on the number of tablets in a blister. Send us a prescription from your doctor so that we can calculate the amount of the drug for the entire course of treatment.


– Respiratory insufficiency.

– Liver dysfunction with a severe course.

– Allergy to the main or additional component.

– Age of patients under 18 years.

– Pregnancy and breastfeeding.

In mild to moderate hepatic insufficiency, the patient’s condition must be monitored because of the risk of complications. In such a situation, therapy is started with a minimum dose and the dose is increased only if tolerated well.

Zolpidem interactions

Zolpidem and alcohol are incompatible due to an increased sedative and hypnotic effect. The drug should be prescribed with caution in combination with drugs that depress the CNS. Caution should be exercised when concomitantly administered with drugs for epilepsy, anesthetics, hypotensive agents. The risk of CNS depression and respiratory function increases. Use with caution with buprenorphine, ketoconazole, introconazole, rifampicin.

What should not be taken with zolpidem?

Alcohol is contraindicated when taking sleeping pills. Do not combine with barbiturates because of the possible development of dependence. During therapy, abandon activities that require increased concentration.

Side effects of zolpidem during long-term use

Buying zolpidem is justified because of good tolerability. Most adverse reactions with a frequency of 1-10% occur in the nervous system. Drowsiness, headache, dizziness may occur. Anterograde amnesia develops with increasing dosage and is accompanied by hallucinations, irritability. Rarely, sleep disturbances, behavioral disorders, somnambulism occur. When treatment is abruptly stopped, sleep and coordination of movements may be impaired. Adverse reactions include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, which occur with a frequency of 1-10%. Muscle weakness and undesirable skin reactions: itching, urticaria, angioedema are rare. Frequent reactions also include feelings of fatigue.

Zolpidem overdose

Impaired consciousness may occur when high doses are taken. Mild reactions are manifested by lethargy; coma may occur if severe. Blood pressure decreases and respiration becomes depressed. In case of overdose, vomiting induction up to 1 hour after ingestion, activated charcoal, gastric lavage, and therapy for individual symptoms should be performed. Flumazenil is used as an antidote. When taking it take into account that flumazenil may cause seizures, especially often this reaction occurs in patients with epilepsy.

Our Mexican pharmacy has the best prices for Zolpidem 10 mg. You can buy Zolpidem online with delivery in Mexico and USA.

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